

my, my, has it really been over a year since i last wrote anything on this blog??? 

i mean, i was never a consistent blogger, and i don't think it was ever really my intention to develop this space into anything more than a place to share my thoughts once in a while and store memories for my own future reference. but abandoning Make No Plans for, what, 19 months? that's a whole different level, even for me. 

a lot has changed for me since i last shared anything here. i turned 18, then 19; i graduated school with pretty good results; i spent about eight months working on creative projects with the indigo soul project and the lovely friends i've made through it; i started and finished my first year at the college i've wanted to go to since i was sixteen, and realised it's not the place for me; i started dancing again, then stopped; i started singing again, then stopped; i explored my interests and skills in visual art and design; i made some wonderful friends, and also drifted away from some; i became vegetarian (more on that soon); i picked up yoga again; i lost a LOT of weight (pretty unintentionally O.o); i became passionate about health, wellness and wellbeing; my attitude towards life has changed so much, and i've really grown and learned a lot about myself and the people/world around me. 

i'm sure i'm missing out some key points, but considering how much of a learning curve these past months have been for me i don't think there would be much of a point trying to squeeze everything into a single paragraph. much better to elaborate a bit on them all in separate posts, i think. :) 

as to where i am now, i'm now on break between my second and third semester at college, though as i mentioned earlier, i might not be going back for my next semester. i definitely intend to continue studying design, but now the issue is where. i'm also busy working on a musical! yep, i know right? it's been almost a year in the making, and i've loved every second of it, and now we're just over a week away from the premiere! i'll definitely elaborate more on that in another post, but for now, if you want more information (and if you're interested in coming!), do check out our facebook page

and on a more personal level, i feel like i'm in a really good space right now, and it's only getting better! as i mentioned earlier, i've grown and learnt so much since last we met. i've become more confident in myself and my strength and skills, i'm more independent now than i ever was, and i have a much more positive outlook on life than i used to. i am by no means perfect, and as far as i've come i've still got a long way left to go (does the journey of self-discovery even have an end, anyway?). but i feel like i've made some major headway on the path to "finding myself" (or whatever they're calling it these days), and i'm really keen to share that with someone. 
namely, you. 

so, i hope to begin some new things on this blog. i'd like to share my experiences, inspiration, creations, stories and life with you. i'd like to start conversations and learn as much from whoever is reading this as i hope you learn from reading my little ramblings. if everything goes the way i currently want it to, then you can expect plenty of art, food, health and wellness, lifestyle and maybe some style posts. also little stories, recipes, photographs, people that inspire me, things like that. i might even start making little youtube videos and share them here as well, who knows? i'm going to be very careful not to make any promises or definite plans (i mean, with a blog name like that...), but these are all things i'm very keen on doing at the moment and i hope it all pans out. :) 

so! *claps hands together* here's to what i hope will be a very fun, inspiring and interesting journey together on this blog. i'm looking forward to it! 

love, shanita

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